The base $BC$ of a triangle $ABC$ is bisected at the point $(p, q)$ and the equations to the sides $AB$ and $AC$ are respectively $px+qy= 1$ and $qx + py = 1.$ Then the equation to the median through $A$ is

  • A

    $(2pq - 1)(px + qy - 1) = ({p^2} + {q^2} - 1)(qx + py - 1)$

  • B

    $({p^2} + {q^2} - 1)(px + qy - 1) = (2p - 1)(qx + py - 1)$

  • C

    $(pq - 1)(px + qy - 1) = ({p^2} + {q^2} - 1)(qx + py - 1)$

  • D

    None of these

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