The Boolean expression $\left(\sim\left(p^{\wedge} q\right)\right) \vee q$ is equivalent to
$q \rightarrow\left(p^{\wedge} q\right)$
$p \rightarrow q$
$p \rightarrow(p \vee q)$
$p \rightarrow(p \rightarrow q)$
Consider the following statements:
$P$ : I have fever
$Q:$ I will not take medicine
$R$ : I will take rest
The statement "If I have fever, then I will take medicine and I will take rest" is equivalent to:
$(p \to q) \leftrightarrow (q\ \vee \sim p)$ is
The proposition $\left( { \sim p} \right) \vee \left( {p\, \wedge \sim q} \right)$
Let $p, q, r$ denote arbitrary statements. Then the logically equivalent of the statement $p\Rightarrow (q\vee r)$ is
Which of the following is logically equivalent to $\sim(\sim p \Rightarrow q)$