The contrapositive of the statement “If you are born in India, then you are a citizen of India”, is
If you are a citizen of India, then you are born in India
If your are not a citizen of India, then you are not born in India
If you are no born in India, then you are not a citizen of India
If you are born in India, then you are not a citizen of India
Which one of the following, statements is not a tautology
The contrapositive of the statement "If you will work, you will earn money" is ..... .
The Boolean expression $ \sim \left( {p \Rightarrow \left( { \sim q} \right)} \right)$ is equivalent to
Let $p, q, r$ denote arbitrary statements. Then the logically equivalent of the statement $p\Rightarrow (q\vee r)$ is
Which of the following is not a statement