The efficiency of reversible engine is the irreversible engine.
Less than
Greater than
Equal to
Negligible than
One mole of an ideal gas $(C_p/C_v = \gamma )$ at absolute temperature $T_1$ is adiabatically compresses from an initial pressure $P_1$ to a final pressure $P_2$. The resulting temperature $T_2$ of the gas is given by
During an adiabatic process, the pressure of a gas is found to be proportional to the cube of its absolute temperature. The ratio ${C_p}/{C_v}$ for the gas is
A Carnot's engine working between $300\, K$ and $600\, K$ has a work output of $800\, J$ per cycle. How much heat energy is supplied to the engine from the source in each cycle ? .... $J$
The efficiency of Carnot engine is $50\%$ and temperature of sink is $500\, K$. If the temperature of source is kept constant and its efficiency is to be raised to $60\%$, then the required temperature of the sink will be........ $K$
In the indicator diagram (in figure), net amount of work done will be