The electric field for a plane electromagnetic wave travelling in the $+y$ direction is  shown.  Consider a point where $\vec E$ is in $+z$ direction. The $\vec B$ field is


  • A

    In the $+x$ direction

  • B

    In the $-x$ direction

  • C

    In the $+y$ direction

  • D

    None of these

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The electric field of an electromagnetic wave in free space is given by $\vec E$$=10 cos (10^7t+kx)$$\hat j$ $volt/m $ where $t$ and $x$ are in seconds and metres respectively. It can be inferred that

$(1)$ the wavelength $\lambda$ is $188.4\, m.$

$(2)$ the wave number $k$ is $0.33\,\,  rad/m.$ 

$(3)$ the wave amplitude is $10\, V/m.$

$(4)$ the wave is propagating along  $+x$ direction. 

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