The length of an iron wire is $L$ and area of cross-section is $A$. The increase in length is $l$ on applying the force $F$ on its two ends. Which of the statement is correct
Increase in length is inversely proportional to its length $L$
Increase in length is proportional to area of cross-section $A$
Increase in length is inversely proportional to $A$
Increase in length is proportional to Young's modulus
A uniform wire (Young's modulus $2 \times 10^{11}\, Nm^{-2}$ ) is subjected to longitudinal tensile stress of $5 \times 10^7\,Nm^{-2}$ . If the over all volume change in the wire is $0.02\%,$ the fractional decrease in the radius of the wire is close to
In steel, the Young's modulus and the strain at the breaking point are $2 \times {10^{11}}\,N{m^{ - 2}}$ and $0.15$ respectively. The stress at the breaking point for steel is therefore
The length of wire, when $M_1$ is hung from it, is $I_1$ and is $I_2$ with both $M_1$ and $M_2$ hanging. The natural length of wire is ........
A metal rod of cross-sectional area $10^{-4} \,m ^{2}$ is hanging in a chamber kept at $20^{\circ} C$ with a weight attached to its free end. The coefficient of thermal expansion of the rod is $2.5 \times 10^{-6} \,K ^{-1}$ and its Young's modulus is $4 \times 10^{12} \,N / m ^{2}$. When the temperature of the chamber is lowered to $T$, then a weight of $5000 \,N$ needs to be attached to the rod, so that its length is unchanged. Then, $T$ is ............ $^{\circ} C$
The force required to stretch a steel wire of $1\,c{m^2}$ cross-section to $1.1$ times its length would be $(Y = 2 \times {10^{11}}\,N{m^{ - 2}})$