The most abundant metal in the earth crust is
A group $13$ element $'X'$ reacts with chlorine gas to produce a compound $XCl_3. XCl_3$ is electron deficient and easily reacts with $NH_3$ to form $Cl_3X \leftarrow NH_3$ adduct, however, $XCl_3$ does not dimerize. $X$ is
The green colour produced in the borax bead test of a chromium$(III)$ salt is due to formation of______:
${H_3}B{O_3} + {H_2}O_2 \to {H_2}O + 'X' {\xrightarrow{{NAOH}} }{'Y'}$
Which of the following statements is $/$ are Correct for $'Y'$
Give oxidation state of gallium.
Which of the following properties describes the diagooal relalionship between boron and silicon?