The negation of the Boolean expression $p \vee(\sim p \wedge q )$ is equivalent to
$\sim p \vee \sim q$
$\sim p \vee q$
$\sim p \wedge \sim q$
$p \wedge \sim q$
If $p$ and $q$ are simple propositions, then $p \Leftrightarrow \sim \,q$ is true when
Let $\Delta, \nabla \in\{\wedge, \vee\}$ be such that $p \nabla q \Rightarrow(( p \nabla$q) $\nabla r$ ) is a tautology. Then (p $\nabla q ) \Delta r$ is logically equivalent to
The Boolean expression $ \sim \left( {p \Rightarrow \left( { \sim q} \right)} \right)$ is equivalent to
When does the current flow through the following circuit
The Statement that is $TRUE$ among the following is