The number of values of $r \in\{p, q, \sim p , \sim q \}$ for which $((p \wedge q) \Rightarrow(r \vee q)) \wedge((p \wedge r) \Rightarrow q)$ is a tautology, is:
Contrapositive of the statement:
'If a function $f$ is differentiable at $a$, then it is also continuous at $a$', is
The maximum number of compound propositions, out of $p \vee r \vee s , p \vee P \vee \sim s , p \vee \sim q \vee s$,
$\sim p \vee \sim r \vee s , \sim p \vee \sim r \vee \sim s , \sim p \vee q \vee \sim s$, $q \vee r \vee \sim s , q \vee \sim r \vee \sim s , \sim p \vee \sim q \vee \sim s$
that can be made simultaneously true by an assignment of the truth values to $p , q , r$ and $s$, is equal to
Statement $p$ $\rightarrow$ ~$q$ is false, if
The statment $ \sim \left( {p \leftrightarrow \sim q} \right)$ is
Negation of $(p \Rightarrow q) \Rightarrow(q \Rightarrow p)$ is