The position vector of a particle is $\vec r = (a\cos \omega t)\hat i + (a\sin \omega t)\hat j$. The velocity of the particle is
Parallel to the position vector
Perpendicular to the position vector
Directed towards the origin
Directed away from the origin
The unit vector parallel to the resultant of the vectors $\vec A = 4\hat i + 3\hat j + 6\hat k$ and $\vec B = - \hat i + 3\hat j - 8\hat k$ is
What is unit vector ? Explain.
Classify the given physical quantities in vector and scalar. Position, speed, velocity, pressure, acceleration, temperature, force, work, energy.
Find the unit vector of a vector whose co-ordinates are $(8,\, 6)$.
Position of a particle in a rectangular-co-ordinate system is $(3, 2, 5)$. Then its position vector will be