The propositions $(p \Rightarrow \;\sim p) \wedge (\sim p \Rightarrow p)$ is a
Tautology and contradiction
Neither tautology nor contradiction
If $p, q, r$ are simple propositions, then $(p \wedge q) \wedge (q \wedge r)$ is true then
The conditional $(p \wedge q) \Rightarrow p$ is :-
The number of choices of $\Delta \in\{\wedge, \vee, \Rightarrow, \Leftrightarrow\}$, such that $( p \Delta q ) \Rightarrow(( p \Delta \sim q ) \vee((\sim p ) \Delta q ))$ is a tautology, is
Which Venn diagram represent the truth of the statement“All students are hard working.”
Where $U$ = Universal set of human being, $S$ = Set of all students, $H$ = Set of all hard workers.
Which Venn diagram represent the truth of the statement“Some teenagers are not dreamers”