The sun radiates energy in all directions. The average radiations received on the earth surface from the sun is $1.4\;kilowatt/{m^2}$.The average earth- sun distance is $1.5 \times {10^{11}}metres$. The mass lost by the sun per day is($1$ day $= 86400$ seconds)
$4.4 \times {10^9}kg$
$7.6 \times {10^{14}}kg$
$3.8 \times {10^{12}}kg$
$3.8 \times {10^{14}}kg$
Half lives for $\alpha$ and $\beta$ emission of a radioactive material are $16$ years and $48$ years respectively. When material decays giving $\alpha$ and $\beta$ emission simultaneously then time in which $\frac{3}{4}$ th of the material decays is ....... years
Half life period of a sample is $15$ years. How long will it take to decay $96.875\%$ of sample .......... $years$
Radioacitive nuclei $A$ and $B$ disintegrate into $C$ with half lives $T$ and $2T$. At $t = 0$, pumber of nuclei of each $A$ and $B$ is $x$. The number of nuclei of $C$ when rate of disintegration of $A$ and $B$ are equal is
Consider a radioactive nucleus $A$ which decays to a stable nucleus $C$ through the following sequence : $A \to B \to C$ Here $B$ is an intermediate nuclei which is also radioactive. Considering that there are $N_0$, atoms of $A$ initially, plot the graph showing the variation of number of atoms of $A$ and $B$ versus time.
The mean life time of a radionuclide, if its activity decrease by $4\%$ for every $1h$ , would be .......... $h$ [product is non-radioactive i.e. stable]