The temperature of a liquid drops from $365K$ to $361 K$ in $2$ minutes. Find the time during which temperature of the liquid drops from $344\;K$ to $342K$. Temperature of room is $293\;K$ ....... $\sec$
A body cools from ${50.0^o}C$ to ${49.9^o}C$ in $5\;s$. How long will it take to cool from ${40.0^o}C$ to ${39.9^o}C$? Assume the temperature of surroundings to be ${30.0^o}C$ and Newton's law of cooling to be valid ....... $\sec$
Two bodies $A$ and $B$ of same mass, area and surface finish with specific heats $S_A$ and $S_B\left(S_A > S_B\right)$ are allowed to cool for given temperature range. Temperature varies with time as ..........
One day in the morning, Ramesh filled up $\frac {1}{3}$ bucket of hot water from geyser, to take bath. Remaining $\frac {2}{3}$ was to be filled by cold water (at room temperature) to bring mixture to a comfortable temperature. Suddenly Ramesh had to attend to something which would take some times, say $5-10$ $\min$ before he could take bath. Now he had two options: $(1)$ fill the remaining bucket completely by cold water and then attend to the work, $(2)$ first attend tothe work and fill the remaining bucket just before taking bath. Which option do you think would have kept water warmer ? Explain.
A liquid cools from $50^oC$ to $45^oC$ in 5 minutes and from $45 ^o C$ to $41.5 ^o C$ in the next $5$ minutes. The temperature of the surrounding is ...... $^oC$
Discuss the experiment verifying Newton's law of cooling.