The terminal velocity of a small sphere of radius $a$ in a viscous liquid is proportional to
A raindrop with radius $R=0.2\, {mm}$ fells from a cloud at a height $h=2000\, {m}$ above the ground. Assume that the drop is spherical throughout its fall and the force of buoyance may be neglected, then the terminal speed attainde by the raindrop is : (In ${ms}^{-1}$)
[Density of water $f_{{w}}=1000\;{kg} {m}^{-3}$ and density of air $f_{{a}}=1.2\; {kg} {m}^{-3}, {g}=10 \;{m} / {s}^{2}$ Coefficient of viscosity of air $=18 \times 10^{-5} \;{Nsm}^{-2}$ ]
Small water droplets of radius $0.01 \mathrm{~mm}$ are formed in the upper atmosphere and falling with a terminal velocity of $10 \mathrm{~cm} / \mathrm{s}$. Due to condensation, if $8 \mathrm{such}$ droplets are coalesced and formed a larger drop, the new terminal velocity will be ........... $\mathrm{cm} / \mathrm{s}$.
Sixty four spherical rain drops of equal size are falling vertically through air with terminal velocity $1.5\, m/s$. All of the drops coalesce to form a big spherical drop, then terminal velocity of big drop is ........... $m/s$
An object falling through a fluid is observed to have acceleration given by $a = g -bv$ where $g =$ gravitational acceleration and $b$ is constant. After a long time of release, it is observed to fall with constant speed. The value of constant speed is
$Assertion :$ Falling raindrops acquire a terminal velocity.
$Reason :$ A constant force in the direction of motion and a velocity dependent force opposite to the direction of motion, always result in the acquisition of terminal velocity.