Two charges $ + 4e$ and $ + e$ are at a distance $x$ apart. At what distance, a charge $q$ must be placed from charge $ + e$ so that it is in equilibrium
Two identical metallic spheres $A$ and $B$ when placed at certain distance in air repel each other with a force of $F$. Another identical uncharged sphere $C$ is first placed in contact with $A$ and then in contact with $B$ and finally placed at midpoint between spheres $A$ and $B$. The force experienced by sphere $C$ will be.
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A point charge $q_1$ exerts an electric force on a second point charge $q_2$. If third charge $q_3$ is brought near, the electric force of $q_1$ exerted on $q_2$
Two point charges $+8q$ and $ - 2q$ are located at $x = 0$ and $x = L$ respectively. The location of a point on the $x$-axis at which the net electric field due to these two point charges is zero is
The value of electric permittivity of free space is