Two charges $ + 5\,\mu C$ and $ + 10\,\mu C$ are placed $20\, cm$ apart. The net electric field at the mid-Point between the two charges is

  • A

    $4.5 \times {10^6}\, N/C$ directed towards $ + 5\,\mu C$

  • B

    $4.5 \times {10^6}\, N/C$ directed towards $ + 10\,\mu C$

  • C

    $13.5 \times {10^6}\, N/C$ directed towards $ + 5\,\mu C$

  • D

    $13.5 \times {10^6}\, N/C$ directed towards $ + 10\,\mu C$

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  • [AIEEE 2005]