Two radioactive materials $A$ and $B$ have decay constant $5\lambda$ and $\lambda$ respectively.At $t=0$ they have the same number of nuclei, then the ratio of the number of nuclei of $A$ to that $B$ will be $(1/e)^2$ after a time interval
$\frac{1}{{2\lambda }}$
$\;\frac{1}{{4\lambda }}$
A sample originally contaived $10^{20}$ radioactive atoms, which emit $\alpha -$ particles. The ratio of $\alpha -$ particles emitted in the third year to that emitted during the second year is $0.3.$ How many $\alpha -$ particles were emitted in the first year?
A sample of radioactive element has a mass of $10\, gm$ at an instant $t = 0$.The approximate mass of this element in the sample after two mean lives is ..........$gm$
There are two radionuclei $A$ and $B.$ $A$ is an alpha emitter and $B$ is a beta emitter. Their distintegration constants are in the ratio of $1 : 2.$ What should be the ratio of number of atoms of two at time $t = 0$ so that probabilities of getting $\alpha$ and $\beta$ particles are same at time $t = 0.$
The count rate of a Geiger- Muller counter for the radiation of a radioactive material of half life of $30\, minutes$ decreases to $5\,{s^{ - 1}}$ after $2\, hours.$ The initial count rate was..........${s^{ - 1}}$
The particle that possesses half integral spin as