$52$ ताशों की एक गड्डी से $4$ पत्तों को चुनने के तरीकों की संख्या क्या है ? इन तरीकों में से कितनों में से कितनों में

चार पत्ते चार, भिन्न प्रकार $(suit)$ के हैं ?

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There will be as many ways of choosing $4$ cards from $52$ cards as there are combinations of $52$ different things, taken $4$ at a time. Therefore

The required number of ways $=\,\,^{52} C _{4}=\frac{52 !}{4 ! 48 !}=\frac{49 \times 50 \times 51 \times 52}{2 \times 3 \times 4}$


There are $13$ cards in each suit.

Therefore, there are $^{13} C _{1}$ ways of choosing $1$ card from $13$ cards of diamond, $^{13} C _{1}$ ways of choosing $1$ card from $13$ cards of hearts, $^{13} C _{1}$ ways of choosing $1$ card from $13$ cards of clubs, $^{13} C _{1}$ ways of choosing $1$ card from $13$ cards of spades. Hence, by multiplication principle, the required number of ways

$=\,^{13} C_{1} \times^{13} C_{1} \times^{13} C_{1} \times^{13} C_{1}=13^{4}$

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