When strain is produced in a body within elastic limit, its internal energy
Remains constant
None of the above
When shearing force is applied on a body, then the elastic potential energy is stored in it. On removing the force, this energy
The work done per unit volume to stretch the length of area of cross-section $2 \,mm ^2$ by $2 \%$ will be ....... $MJ / m ^3$ $\left[Y=8 \times 10^{10} \,N / m ^2\right]$
If the potential energy of a spring is $V$ on stretching it by $2\, cm$, then its potential energy when it is stretched by $10 \,cm$ will be
An $8\,m$ long copper wire and $4\,m$ long steel wire, each of cross section $0.5\,cm^2$ are fastened end to end and stretched by $500\,N$ force. The elastic potential energy of the system is (Youngs mod $: Y_{cu}= 1\times 10^{11}\,N/m^2,$ $Y_{steel} = 2\times 10^{11}\,N/m^2$ ) :
A wire is suspended by one end. At the other end a weight equivalent to $20\, N$ force is applied. If the increase in length is $1.0\, mm$, the increase in energy of the wire will be ....... $joule$