Which of the following cannot be emitted by radioactive substances during their decay
Helium nucleus
A sample of radioactive element has a mass of $10\, gm$ at an instant $t = 0$.The approximate mass of this element in the sample after two mean lives is ..........$gm$
A radioactive sample has an average life of $30\, {ms}$ and is decaying. A capacitor of capacitance $200\, \mu\, {F}$ is first charged and later connected with resistor $^{\prime}{R}^{\prime}$. If the ratio of charge on capacitor to the activity of radioactive sample is fixed with respect to time then the value of $^{\prime}R^{\prime}$ should be $....\,\Omega$
Activity of a radioactive sample decreases to $(1/3)^{rd}$ of its original value in $3\, days$. Then, in $9\, days$ its activity will become
A radio-isotope has a half- life of $5$ years. The fraction of the atoms of this material that would decay in $15$ years will be
A radioactive decay chain starts from $_{93}N{p^{237}}$ and produces $_{90}T{h^{229}}$ by successive emissions. The emitted particles can be