Will the acceleration increase or decrease with increase in velocity ?
The initial velocity of a particle is $u$ (at $t = 0$) and the acceleration ${n^{th}}$ is given by $at$. Which of the following relation is valid
The velocity $(v)-$ time $(t)$ plot of the motion of a body is shown below:
The acceleration $(a)-$ time $(t)$ graph that best suits this motion is :
If the velocity $v$ of a particle moving along a straight line decreases linearly with its displacement $s$ from $20\,ms ^{-1}$ to a value approaching zero at $s=30\,m$, then acceleration of the particle at $s=15\,m$ is $........$
If a train travelling at $72\,\, kmph$ is to be brought to rest in a distance of $200$ metres, then its retardation should be............$m{s^{ - 2}}$
The initial velocity of a particle is $u\left(\right.$ at $t=0$ ) and the acceleration a is given by $\alpha t^{3 / 2}$. Which of the following relations is valid?