Write an equation for potential at a point in a uniformly charged spherical shell.
If the electric potential of the inner metal sphere is $10$ $ volt$ $\&$ that of the outer shell is $5$ $volt$, then the potential at the centre will be ......$volt$
A cube of side $b$ has a charge $q$ at each of its vertices. Determine the potential and electric field due to this charge array at the centre of the cube.
Draw a graph showing variation of potential with $r$ distance for a uniformly charged spherical shell.
Charges are placed on the vertices of a square as shown Let $\vec E$ be the electric field and $V$ the potential at the centre. If the charges on $A$ and $B$ are interchanged with those on $D$ and $C$ respectively, then
Ten electrons are equally spaced and fixed around a circle of radius $R$. Relative to $V = 0$ at infinity, the electrostatic potential $V$ and the electric field $E$ at the centre $C$ are