A charge particle moving in magnetic field $B$, has the components of velocity along $B$ as well as perpendicular to $B$. The path of the charge particle will be
helical path with the axis perpendicular to the direction of magnetic field $B$
straight along the direction of magnetic field $B$
helical path with the axis along magnetic field $B$
circular path
Maximum kinetic energy of the positive ion in the cyclotron is
A positively charged particle enters in a region of uniform. Transverse magnetic field as shown in figure find net deviation in path of the particle.
A charged particle initially at rest at $O$,when released follows a trajectory as shown alongside. Such a trajectory is possible in the presence of
An electron enters a region where magnetic $(B)$ and electric $(E)$ fields are mutually perpendicular to one another, then
Two charged particles of mass $m$ and charge $q$ each are projected from origin simultaneously with same speed $V$ in transverse magnetic field. If ${\vec r_1}$ and ${\vec r_2}$ are the position vectors of particles (with respect to origin) at $t = \frac{{\pi m}}{{qB}}$ then the value of ${\vec r_1}.{\vec r_2}$ at that time is