A particle starts from rest at $x=0\; m$ with an acceleration of $1 \,m / s ^2$. At $t = 5\;s _{ s }$ it receives an additional acceleration in the same direction as its motion. At $t =10\; s$ its speed and position are $v$ and $x$, respectively. Had the additional acceleration not been provided, its speed and position would have been $v _0$ and $x _0$, respectively. It is found that $x - x _0$ is $12.5 \,m$. Then one can conclude that $v - v _0$ is .............. $\,m / s$
A particle moves along $x$-axis as $x=4(t-2)+a(t-2)^2$. Which of the following statements is true?
The velocity of a body depends on time according to the equation $v=\frac{t^2}{10}+20$. The body is undergoing
Velocity-displacement graph of a particle moving in a straight line is as shown in figure
Stopping distance of vehicles : When brakes are applied to a moving vehicle, the distance it travels before stopping is called stopping distance. It is an important factor for road safety and depends on the initial velocity $(v_0)$ and the braking capacity, or deceleration, $-a$ that is caused by the braking. Derive an expression for stopping distance of a vehicle in terms of $v_0 $ and $a$.
The initial velocity of a particle is $u$ (at $t = 0$) and the acceleration ${n^{th}}$ is given by $at$. Which of the following relation is valid