A sample of radioactive material $A$, that has an activity of $10\, mCi\, (1\, Ci = 3.7 \times 10^{10}\, decays/s)$, has twice the number of nuclei as another sample of different radioactive material $B$ which has an activity of $20\, mCi$. The correct choices for half-lives of $A$ and $B$ would then be respectively
$5$ days and $10$ days
$10$ days and $40$ days
$20$ days and $5$ days
$20$ days and $10$ days
For a radioactive material, its activity $A$ and rate of change of its activity $R$ are defined as $A=-\frac{d N}{d t}$ and $R=-\frac{d A}{d t}$, where $N(t)$ is the number of nuclei at time $t$. Two radioactive sources $P$ (mean life $\tau$ ) and $Q$ (mean life $2 \tau$ ) have the same activity at $t=0$. Their rates of change of activities at $t=2 \tau$ are $R_p$ and $R_Q$, respectively. If $\frac{R_p}{R_Q}=\frac{n}{e}$, then the value of $n$ is
A radioactive element emits $200$ particles per second. After three hours $25$ particles per second are emitted. The half life period of element will be ..........$minntes$
A mixture consists of two radioactive material $A_1$ and $A_2$ with half lives of $20\,s$ and $10\,s$ respectively . Initially the mixture has $40\,g$ of $A_1$ and $160\,g$ of $A_2$ . The amount of the two in the mixture will become equal after..........$sec$
What can be found from decay curve ?
A radioactive substance is being produced at a constant rate of $10\, nuclei/s.$ The decay constant of the substance is $1/2\, sec^{-1}.$ After what time the number of radioactive nuclei will become $10$ $?$ Initially there are no nuclei present. Assume decay law holds for the sample.