A survey shows that $73 \%$ of the persons working in an office like coffee, whereas $65 \%$ like tea. If $x$ denotes the percentage of them, who like both coffee and tea, then $x$ cannot be
In a certain school, $74 \%$ students like cricket, $76 \%$ students like football and $82 \%$ like tennis. Then, all the three sports are liked by at least $......\%$
A group of $40$ students appeared in an examination of $3$ subjects - Mathematics, Physics Chemistry. It was found that all students passed in at least one of the subjects, $20$ students passed in Mathematics, $25$ students passed in Physics, $16$ students passed in Chemistry, at most $11$ students passed in both Mathematics and Physics, at most $15$ students passed in both Physics and Chemistry, at most $15$ students passed in both Mathematics and Chemistry. The maximum number of students passed in all the three subjects is___________.
Let $\mathrm{U}$ be the set of all triangles in a plane. If $\mathrm{A}$ is the set of all triangles with at least one angle different from $60^{\circ},$ what is $\mathrm{A} ^{\prime} ?$
In a survey of $400$ students in a school, $100$ were listed as taking apple juice, $150$ as taking orange juice and $75$ were listed as taking both apple as well as orange juice. Find how many students were taking neither apple juice nor orange juice.
In a college of $300$ students, every student reads $5$ newspaper and every newspaper is read by $60$ students. The no. of newspaper is