A trader sells his table at a profit of $15 \%$ and the chair at a loss of $7 \frac{1}{2} \%,$ but on the whole he gains $Rs.\, 50 .$ If he sells the table at a loss of $7 \frac{1}{2} \%,$ and chair at a profit of $15 \%,$ then he neither gains nor loses. Find the cost price of the table
Rajesh purchased a mobile phone and a refrigerator for $Rs.\, 12000$ and $Rs.\, 10000$ respectively. She sold the refrigerator at a loss of $12$ percent and mobile phone at a profit of $8$ per cent. What is her overall loss$/$profit?
When Ram sold his book for $Rs.\, 255$ he made a loss of $15\%.$ For how much he should have sold it if he wanted to make a profit of $5 \% ?$
A sells an article to $B$ at a gain of $25 \%, B$ sells it to $C$ at a gain $20 \%$ and $C$ sells it to $D$ at a gain of $10 \% .$ If $D$ pays $Rs.\, 330$ for it, how much did it cost $A?$ (in $Rs.$)
At what price should a shopkeeper mark a radio that costs him $Rs.\,1200$ in order that he may offer a discount of $20 \%$ on the marked price and still make a profit of $25 \% ? \quad$
A shopkeeper sells notebooks at the rate of $Rs.\, 45$ each and earns a commission of $4 \% .$ He also sells pencil box at the rate of $Rs.\, 80$ each and earns a commission of $20 \% .$ How much amount of commission will he earn in two weeks if he sells $10$ notebooks and $6$ pencil boxes a day? (in $Rs.$)