Let $A$ and $B$ be sets. If $A \cap X=B \cap X=\phi$ and $A \cup X=B \cup X$ for some set $X ,$ show that $A = B$
( Hints $A = A \cap (A \cup X),B = B \cap (B \cup X)$ and use Distributive law )
Let $A=\{2,4,6,8\}$ and $B=\{6,8,10,12\} .$ Find $A \cup B$
If the sets $A$ and $B$ are defined as $A = \{ (x,\,y):y = {1 \over x},\,0 \ne x \in R\} $ $B = \{ (x,y):y = - x,x \in R\} $, then
Show that the following four conditions are equivalent:
$(i)A \subset B\,\,\,({\rm{ ii }})A - B = \phi \quad (iii)A \cup B = B\quad (iv)A \cap B = A$
Let $A=\{a, b\}, B=\{a, b, c\} .$ Is $A \subset B \,?$ What is $A \cup B \,?$