Following statements related to radioactivity are given below

$(A)$ Radioactivity is a random and spontaneous process and is dependent on physical and chemical conditions.

$(B)$ The number of un-decayed nuclei in the radioactive sample decays exponentially with time.

$(C)$ Slope of the graph of $\log _{e}$ (no. of undecayed nuclei) $Vs$. time represents the reciprocal of mean life time $(\tau)$.

$(D)$ Product of decay constant ( $\lambda$ ) and half-life time $\left(T_{1 / 2}\right)$ is not constant.

Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below

  • [JEE MAIN 2022]
  • A

    $(A)\,and\,(B)$ only

  • B

    $(B)\,and\,(D)$ only

  • C

    $(B)\,and\,(C)$ only

  • D

    $(C)\,and\,(D)$ only

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