If $\varepsilon_0$ is permittivity of free space, $e$ is charge of proton, $G$ is universal gravitational constant and $m_p$ is mass of a proton then the dimensional formula for $\frac{e^2}{4 \pi \varepsilon_0 G m_p{ }^2}$ is

  • A

    $\left[ M ^1 L ^1 T ^{-3} A ^{-1}\right]$

  • B

    $\left[ M ^0 L ^0 T ^0 A ^0\right]$

  • C

    $\left[ M ^1 L ^3 T ^{-3} A ^{-1}\right]$

  • D

    $\left[ M ^{-1} L ^{-3} T ^4 A ^2\right]$

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