If $\left|\begin{array}{ccc}x+1 & x & x \\ x & x+\lambda & x \\ x & x & x+\lambda^2\end{array}\right|=\frac{9}{8}(103 x+81)$, then $\lambda$, $\frac{\lambda}{3}$ are the roots of the equation
$4 x ^2+24 x -27=0$
$4 x ^2-24 x +27=0$
$4 x ^2+24 x +27=0$
$4 x ^2-24 x -27=0$
An ordered pair $(\alpha , \beta )$ for which the system of linear equations
$\left( {1 + \alpha } \right)x + \beta y + z = 2$ ; $\alpha x + \left( {1 + \beta } \right)y + z = 3$ ; $\alpha x + \beta y + 2z = 2$ has a unique solution, is
The number of distinct real roots of $\left| {\,\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{\sin x}&{\cos x}&{\cos x}\\{\cos x}&{\sin x}&{\cos x}\\{\cos x}&{\cos x}&{\sin x}\end{array}\,} \right| = 0$ in the interval $ - \frac{\pi }{4} \le x \le \frac{\pi }{4}$ is
How many values of $k $ , systeam of linear equations $\left( {k + 1} \right)x + 8y = 4k\;,\;kx + \left( {k + 3} \right)y$$ = 3k - 1$ has no solutions.
The system of equations $-k x+3 y-14 z=25$ $-15 x+4 y-k z=3$ $-4 x+y+3 z=4$ is consistent for all $k$ in the set
Find equation of line joining $(3,1)$ and $(9,3)$ using determinants