If $\log 2,\;\log ({2^n} - 1)$ and $\log ({2^n} + 3)$ are in $A.P.$, then $n =$
${\log _2}5$
${\log _3}5$
If the ${p^{th}}$ term of an $A.P.$ be $\frac{1}{q}$ and ${q^{th}}$ term be $\frac{1}{p}$, then the sum of its $p{q^{th}}$ terms will be
Jairam purchased a house in Rs. $15000$ and paid Rs. $5000$ at once. Rest money he promised to pay in annual installment of Rs. $1000$ with $10\%$ per annum interest. How much money is to be paid by Jairam $\mathrm{Rs.}$ ...................
The ratio of sum of $m$ and $n$ terms of an $A.P.$ is ${m^2}:{n^2}$, then the ratio of ${m^{th}}$ and ${n^{th}}$ term will be
If $n$ arithmetic means are inserted between a and $100$ such that the ratio of the first mean to the last mean is $1: 7$ and $a+n=33$, then the value of $n$ is
The sum of all natural numbers between $1$ and $100$ which are multiples of $3$ is