If $|z_1|=1, \, |z_2| =2, \,|z_3|=3$ and $|9z_1z_2 + 4z_1z_3+z_2z_3| =12$ then the value of $|z_1+z_2+z_3|$ is equal to :-
If ${z_1}{\rm{ and }}{z_2}$ be complex numbers such that ${z_1} \ne {z_2}$ and $|{z_1}|\, = \,|{z_2}|$. If ${z_1}$ has positive real part and ${z_2}$ has negative imaginary part, then $\frac{{({z_1} + {z_2})}}{{({z_1} - {z_2})}}$may be
If ${z_1}$ and ${z_2}$ are two non-zero complex numbers such that $|{z_1} + {z_2}| = |{z_1}| + |{z_2}|,$then arg $({z_1}) - $arg $({z_2})$ is equal to
$|{z_1} + {z_2}|\, = \,|{z_1}| + |{z_2}|$ is possible if
If $z$ is a complex number, then $z.\,\overline z = 0$ if and only if
If $z = \cos \frac{\pi }{6} + i\sin \frac{\pi }{6}$ then