Let $Z$ and $W$ be complex numbers such that $\left| Z \right| = \left| W \right|,$ and arg $Z$ denotes the principal argument of $Z.$
Statement $1:$ If arg $Z+$ arg $W = \pi ,$ then $Z = -\overline W $.
Statement $2:$ $\left| Z \right| = \left| W \right|,$ implies arg $Z-$ arg $\overline W = \pi .$
Statement $1$ is true, Statement $2$ is false.
Statement $1$ is true, Statement $2$ is true, Statement $2$ is a correct explanation for Statement $1$
Statement $1$ is true, Statement $2$ is true, Statement $2$ is not a correct explanation for Statement $1.$
Statement $1$ is false, Statement $2$ is true
The minimum value of $|2z - 1| + |3z - 2|$is
If $\frac{3+i \sin \theta}{4-i \cos \theta}, \theta \in[0,2 \pi],$ is a real number, then an argument of $\sin \theta+\mathrm{i} \cos \theta$ is
If $|{z_1}|\, = \,|{z_2}|$ and $arg\,\,\left( {\frac{{{z_1}}}{{{z_2}}}} \right) = \pi $, then ${z_1} + {z_2}$ is equal to
If $arg\,z < 0$ then $arg\,( - z) - arg\,(z)$ is equal to
Lets $S=\{z \in C:|z-1|=1$ and $(\sqrt{2}-1)(z+\bar{z})-i(z-\bar{z})=2 \sqrt{2}\}$. Let $\mathrm{z}_1, \mathrm{z}_2$ $\in S$ be such that $\left|z_1\right|=\max _{z \in S}|z|$ and $\left|z_2\right|=\min _{z \in S}|z|$. Then $\left|\sqrt{2} z_1-z_2\right|^2$ equals :