If two charges of $1$ coulomb each are placed $1 \,km$ apart, then the force between them will be ........... $N$
$9 \times 10^3$
$9 \times 10^{-3}$
$9 \times 10^{-4}$
Two identical balls having like charges and placed at a certain distance apart repel each other with a certain force. They are brought in contact and then moved apart to a distance equal to half their initial separation. The force of repulsion between them increases $4.5$ times in comparison with the initial value. The ratio of the initial charges of the balls is
Two pith balls carrying equal charges are suspended from a common point by strings of equal length, the equilibrium separation between them is $r.$ Now the strings are rigidly clamped at half the height. The equilibrium separation between the balls now become
Two point charges $ + 3\,\mu C$ and $ + 8\,\mu C$ repel each other with a force of $40\,N$. If a charge of $ - 5\,\mu C$ is added to each of them, then the force between them will become....$N$
Force between two identical spheres charged with same charge is $F$. If $50\%$ charge of one sphere is transferred to second sphere then new force will be
Two charged spheres separated at a distance $d$ exert a force $F$ on each other. If they are immersed in a liquid of dielectric constant $2$, then what is the force (if all conditions are same)