If two forces of $5 \,N$ each are acting along $X$ and $Y$ axes, then the magnitude and direction of resultant is
$5\sqrt 2 ,\,\,\pi /3$
$5\sqrt 2 ,\,\,\pi /4$
$ - 5\sqrt 2 ,\,\,\pi /3$
$ - 5\sqrt 2 ,\,\,\pi /4$
The magnitude of pairs of displacement vectors are given. Which pair of displacement vectors cannot be added to give a resultant vector of magnitude $13\, cm$?
Which one of the following pair cannot be the rectangular components of force vector of $10 \,N$ ?
Two forces $P + Q$ and $P -Q$ make angle $2 \alpha$ with each other and their resultant make $\theta$ angle with bisector of angle between them. Then :
$Y $ component of velocity is $20$ and $X$ component of velocity is $10$. The direction of motion of the body with the horizontal at this instant is
A force of $5\, N$acts on a particle along a direction making an angle of $60^°$ with vertical. Its vertical component be.......$N$