कुछ अभिक्रियाओं में थैलियम, ऐलुमीनियम से समानता दर्शाता है, जबकि अन्य में यह समूह$-1$ के धातुओं से समानता दर्शाता है। इस तथ्य को कुछ प्रमाणों के द्वारा सिद्ध करें।

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Thallium belongs to group $13$ of the periodic table. The most common oxidation state for this group is $+3 .$ However, heavier members of this group also display the $+1$ oxidation state. This happens because of the inert pair effect. Aluminium displays the $+3$ oxidation state and alkali metals display the $+1$ oxidation state. Thallium displays both the oxidation states. Therefore, it resembles both aluminium and alkali metals.

Thallium, like aluminium, forms compounds such as $TlCl _{3}$ and $Tl _{2} O _{3}$. It resembles alkali metals in compounds $Tl _{2} O$ and $TlCl$.

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