$A, B$ અને $C$ ત્રણ ગણું છે. જો $A \in B$અને $B \subset C$ તો $A$ $\subset$ $C$ સાચું છે ? જો તમારો ઉત્તર ‘ના' હોય, તો ઉદાહરણ આપો.

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No. Let $A=\{1\}, B=\{\{1\}, 2\}$ and $C=\{\{1\}, 2,3\} .$ Here $A \in B$ as $A=\{1\}$ and $B \subset C$. But $A \not\subset C$ as $1 \in A$ and $1 \notin C$

Note that an element of a set can never be a subset of itself.

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$ 5\, .......\, A$

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