यदि $A =\{1,2,3\}$ हो तो ऐसे संबंध जिनमें अवयव $(1,2)$ तथा $(1,3)$ हों और जो स्वतुल्य तथा सममित हैं किंतु संक्रामक नहीं है, की संख्या है

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The given set is $A=\{1,2,3\}$.

The smallest relation containing $(1,2)$ and $(1,3)$ which is reflexive and symmetric, but not transitive is given by:


This is because relation $R$ is reflexive as $(1,1),\,(2,2),\,(3,3) \in R$

Relation $R$ is symmetric since $(1,2),\,(2,1) \in R$ and $(1,3),\,(3,1) \in R$

But relation $R$ is not transitive as $(3,1),\,(1,2) \in R,$ but $(3,2)\notin R$

Now, if we add any two pairs $(3,2)$ and $(2,3) $ (or both) to relation $R$, then relation $R$ will become transitive.

Hence, the total number of desired relations is one.

The correct answer is $D$.

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