समुच्चय $\{-1,0,1\}$ के सभी उपसमुच्चयों की सूची बनाइए

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Let $A=\{-1,0,1\} .$ The subset of $A$ having no element is the empty set $\phi .$

The subsets of $A$ having one element are $\{-1\},\{0\},\{1\} .$

The subsets of $A$ having two elements are $\{-1,0\},\{-1,1\},\{0,1\} .$

The subset of $A$ having three elements of $A$ is $A$ itself.

So, all the subsets of $A$ are $\phi,\{-1\},\{0\},\{1\},\{-1,0\},\{-1,1\}$ $\{0,1\}$ and $\{-1,0,1\}.$

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$\{2,4,6, \ldots\}$

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$\{x: x$ एक प्राकृत संख्या है, $x<5$ और साथ ही साथ $x>7\}$

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$\left[ {6,12} \right]$