Statement $-1$ : The equation $x\, log\, x = 2 - x$ is satisfied by at least one value of $x$ lying between $1$ and $2$

Statement $-2$ : The function $f(x) = x\, log\, x$ is an increasing function in $[1, 2]$ and $g (x) = 2 -x$ is a decreasing function in $[ 1 , 2]$ and the graphs represented by these functions intersect at a point in $[ 1 , 2]$

  • [JEE MAIN 2013]
  • A

    Statement $-1$ is true; Statement $-2$ is true;Statement $-2$ is a correct explanation for Statement $-1$

  • B

    Statement $-1$ is true; Statement $-2$ is true;Statement $-2$ is not correct explanation for Statement $-1$

  • C

    Statement $-1$ is false, Statement $-2$ is true

  • D

    Statement $- 1$ is true, Statement $-2$ is false

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