The negation of the statement $(( A \wedge( B \vee C )) \Rightarrow( A \vee B )) \Rightarrow A$ is
equivalent to $\sim A$
equivalent to $\sim C$
equivalent to $B \vee \sim C$
a fallacy
Consider the statement : "For an integer $n$, if $n ^{3}-1$ is even, then $n$ is odd." The contrapositive statement of this statement is
$\sim (p \wedge q)$ is equal to .....
The contrapositive of the statement "if I am not feeling well, then I will go to the doctor" is
Which Venn diagram represent the truth of the statements “No child is naughty”
Where $U$ = Universal set of human beings, $C$ = Set of children, $N$ = Set of naughty persons
The contrapositive of the statement “If you are born in India, then you are a citizen of India”, is