The number of solution of the following equations ${x_2} - {x_3} = 1,\,\, - {x_1} + 2{x_3} = - 2,$ ${x_1} - 2{x_2} = 3$ is
Let the system of linear equations $x+y+k z=2$ ; $2 x+3 y-z=1$ ; $3 x+4 y+2 z=k$ , have infinitely many solutions. Then the system $( k +1) x +(2 k -1) y =7$ ; $(2 k +1) x +( k +5) y =10 \text { has : }$
If the system of linear equation $x - 4y + 7z = g,\,3y - 5z = h, \,-\,2x + 5y - 9z = k$ is
consistent, then
Let $S$ be the set of all $\lambda \in \mathrm{R}$ for which the system of linear equations
$2 x-y+2 z=2$
$x-2 y+\lambda z=-4$
$x+\lambda y+z=4$
has no solution. Then the set $S$
Let $S=\left\{A=\left(\begin{array}{lll}0 & 1 & c \\ 1 & a & d \\ 1 & b & e\end{array}\right): a, b, c, d, e \in\{0,1\}\right.$ and $\left.|A| \in\{-1,1\}\right\}$, where $|A|$ denotes the determinant of $A$. Then the number of elements in $S$ is. . . . .