The value of the determinant $\left| {\,\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{10!}&{11!}&{12!}\\{11!}&{12!}&{13!}\\{12!}&{13!}&{14!}\end{array}\,} \right|$ is
If $a, b, c$ are non-zero real numbers and if the system of equations $(a - 1 )x = y + z,$ $(b - 1 )y = z + x ,$ $(c - 1 )z= x + y,$ has a non-trivial solution, then $ab + bc + ca$ equals
Consider system of equations in $x$ , $y$ and $z$
$12x + by + cz = 0$ ; $ax + 24y + cz = 0$ ; $ax + by + 36z = 0$ .
(where $a$ , $b$ , $c$ are real numbers, $a \ne 12$ , $b \ne 24$ , $c \ne 36$ ).
If system of equation has solution and $z \ne 0$, then value of $\frac{1}{{a - 12}} + \frac{2}{{b - 24}} + \frac{3}{{c - 36}}$ is
The following system of linear equations $7 x+6 y-2 z=0$ ; $3 x+4 y+2 z=0$ ; ${x}-2{y}-6{z}=0,$ has
$x + ky - z = 0,3x - ky - z = 0$ and $x - 3y + z = 0$ has non-zero solution for $k =$
If ${2^{{a_1}}},{2^{{a_2}}},{2^{{a_3}}},{......2^{{a_n}}}$ are in $G.P.$ then $\left| {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}
{{a_1}}&{{a_2}}&{{a_3}} \\
{{a_{n + 1}}}&{{a_{n + 2}}}&{{a_{n + 3}}} \\
{{a_{2n + 1}}}&{{a_{2n + 2}}}&{{a_{2n + 3}}}
\end{array}} \right|$ is equal to