Three numbers are in $A.P.$ whose sum is $33$ and product is $792$, then the smallest number from these numbers is
Let $A =\left\{1, a _{1}, a _{2} \ldots \ldots a _{18}, 77\right\}$ be a set of integers with $1< a _{1}< a _{2}<\ldots \ldots< a _{18}<77$. Let the set $A + A =\{ x + y : x , y \in A \} \quad$ contain exactly $39$ elements. Then, the value of $a_{1}+a_{2}+\ldots \ldots+a_{18}$ is equal to...........
If $f(x + y,x - y) = xy\,,$ then the arithmetic mean of $f(x,y)$ and $f(y,x)$ is
Let ${a_1},{a_2},.......,{a_{30}}$ be an $A.P.$, $S = \sum\limits_{i = 1}^{30} {{a_i}} $ and $T = \sum\limits_{i = 1}^{15} {{a_{2i - 1}}} $.If ${a_5} = 27$ and $S - 2T = 75$ , then $a_{10}$ is equal to
The sum of first $n$ natural numbers is
Find the $9^{\text {th }}$ term in the following sequence whose $n^{\text {th }}$ term is $a_{n}=(-1)^{n-1} n^{3}$