Two racing cars of masses ${m_1}$ and ${m_2}$ are moving in circles of radii ${r_1}$ and ${r_2}$ respectively. Their speeds are such that each makes a complete circle in the same duration of time $t$. The ratio of the angular speed of the first to the second car is
car moves on a circular road. It describes equal angles about the centre in equal intervals of time. Which of the following statement about the velocity of the car is true
Two particles each of mass $m$ are moving in horizontal circle with same angular speed. If both string are of same length then the ratio of tension in string $\frac{T_1}{T_2}$ is .........
A particle moves with constant angular velocity in a circle. During the motion its
A proton of mass $ 1.6 \times 10^{-27} kg$ goes round in a circular orbit of radius $0.10\, m$ under a centripetal force of $4 \times 10^{-13}\, N$. then the frequency of revolution of the proton is about
Two bodies $A$ & $B$ rotate about an axis, such that angle $\theta_A$ (in radians) covered by first body is proportional to square of time, & $\theta_B$ (in radians) covered by second body varies linearly. At $t = 0, \theta \,A = \theta \,B = 0$. If $A$ completes its first revolution in $\sqrt \pi$ sec. & $B$ needs $4\pi \,sec$. to complete half revolution then; angular velocity $\omega_A : \omega_B$ at $t = 5\, sec$. are in the ratio