Which of the following particle will describe the smallest circle when projected with the same velocity perpendicular to the magnetic field ?
$\alpha -$ particle
An electron is travelling horizontally towards east. A magnetic field in vertically downward direction exerts a force on the electron along
A particle of specific charge (charge/mass) $\alpha$ starts moving from the origin under the action of an electric field $\vec E = {E_0}\hat i$ and magnetic field $\vec B = {B_0}\hat k$. Its velocity at $(x_0 , y_0 , 0)$ is ($(4\hat i + 3\hat j)$ . The value of $x_0$ is:
If an electron enters a magnetic field with its velocity pointing in the same direction as the magnetic field, then
A charged particle of mass $m$ and charge $q$ describes circular motion of radius $r$ in a uniform magnetic field of strength $B$. The frequency of revolution is
Answer the following questions:
$(a)$ A magnetic field that varies in magnitude from point to point but has a constant direction (east to west) is set up in a chamber. A charged particle enters the chamber and travels undeflected along a straight path with constant speed. What can you say about the initial velocity of the particle?
$(b)$ A charged particle enters an environment of a strong and non-uniform magnetic field varying from point to point both in magnitude and direction, and comes out of it following a complicated trajectory. Would its final speed equal the initial speed if it suffered no collisions with the environment?
$(c)$ An electron travelling west to east enters a chamber having a uniform electrostatic field in north to south direction. Specify the direction in which a uniform magnetic field should be set up to prevent the electron from deflecting from its straight line path.