Write word equations and then balanced equations for the reaction taking place when -

$(a)$ dilute sulphuric acid reacts with zinc granules.

$(b)$ dilute hydrochloric acid reacts with magnesium ribbon.

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$(a)$ Sulphuric acid $+$ Zinc $\rightarrow$ zinc sulphate $+$ Hydrogen

${{H}_{2}}S{{O}_{4(aq)}}\,+Z{{n}_{(s)}}\to ZnS{{O}_{4(aq)}}\,+\,{{H}_{2(g)}}$

$(b)$ Hydrochloric acid $+$ Magnesium $\rightarrow$ Magnesium chloride $+$ Hydrogen

$2HC{{l}_{(aq)}}+M{{g}_{(s)}}\to MgC{{l}_{2(aq)}}+{{H}_{2(g)}}$

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