એક જૂથમાં $4$ કુમારીઓ અને $7$ કુમારી છે. જેમાં ઓછામાં ઓછી $3$ કુમારી આવેલ હોય એવી $5$ સભ્યોની કેટલી ટુકડીઓ બનાવી શકાય.

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since, the team has to consist of at least $3$ girls, the team can consist of

$(a)$ $3$ girls and $2$ boys, or

$(b)$ $4$ girls and $1$ boy.

Note that the team cannot have all $5$ girls, because, the group has only $4$ girls.

$3$ girls and $2$ boys can be selected in $^{4} C _{3} \times^{7} C _{2}$ ways.

$4$ girls and $1$ boy can be selected in $^{4} C _{4} \times^{7} C _{1}$ ways.

Therefore, the required number of ways

$=\,^{4} C _{3} \times^{7} C _{2}+^{4} C _{4} \times^{7} C _{1}=84+7=91$

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