यदि $P =\{a, b, c\}$ और $Q =\{r\},$ तो $P \times Q$ तथा $Q \times P$ ज्ञात कीजिए। क्या दोनों कार्तीय गुणन समान हैं ?

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By the definition of the cartesian product.

$P \times Q =\{(a, r),(b, r),(c, r)\}$ and $Q \times P =\{(r, a),(r, b),(r, c)\}$

Since, by the definition of equality of ordered pairs, the pair $(a, r)$ is not equal to the pair $(r, a),$ we conclude that $P \times Q \neq Q \times P$

However, the number of elements in each set will be the same.

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